Sollte man feststellen, dass die eingestellten Policies (z.B. Löschen von Dokumenten, die älter als Zeitraum x sind) nicht abgearbeitet werden und man in der Zentraladministration unter Timer job definitions feststellt, dass diese Jobs noch nie gelaufen sind, dann hilft folgendes Vorgehen:
Record Center / Information Management Policy Jobs Not Running
Interesting enough, we noticed after installing something (it could have been Project Server, Service Pack 1 or even the Infrastructure Update) that none of the time jobs managed by the PolicyConfig service were running. If fact, they were all list as have never run, which I knew is a lie since they used to work at some point in time. These jobs include:
Expiration Policy
Hold Processing and Reporting
Information Management Policy
Records Center Processing
In trying to troubleshoot this issue, I was messing around with one of the stsadm commands that can be used to set the when these four polices run. However, when I tried to run the following command:
Stsadm -o setpolicyschedule -schedule daily at 23:50:00″
I would get an error saying The Information Management Policy feature is not active. After a little bit more research, I found out that the feature that it is complaining about is the RecordsManagment feature. Granted, this feature is scope at the Farm level and thereby is automatically activate, I took the liberty and ran
stsadm -o activatefeature -name RecordsManagement -force.
After running the re-activate command, I was then able to run the setpolicyschedule command (which I didn’t need to do to resolve the issue) and volia my Information Management Policy’s timer jobs are running again!
-> Aus „Team Eli´s blog“