English:One of the most annoying things about sp-designer workflows is that they can´t be reused on different lists. If you have created a workflow with, lets say, 10 activities you have to do all the clicking again, if you want to use the same workflow on just another list on the same site.
But as always there is a trick. Read more inside
Deutsch:Normalerweise kann ein SP-Designer Workflow nicht an einer anderen Liste wieder verwendet werden. Dies ist besonders frustrierend wenn mann gerade einen Workflow mit so etwa 10 Aktionen zusammen geklickt hat und ihn genau so an einer anderen Liste ebenfalls gebrauchen könnte.
Wie man den Workflow trotzdem kopieren kann, steht nachfolgend in der Strich-Aufzählung zu lesen (in englisch). Falls es jemand auf Deutsch braucht, schickt mir bitte eine Mail.
- create another website (a teamsite for example)
- create some kind workflow here. Some simple one, because the only purpose is to create a „workflows“ folder
- open your website, where your workflow sits, in sp-designer
- right click on the workflow-folder of the workflow you want to copy
- click copy
- open the website you just created in sp-designer
- Activate the workflows-folder by left clicking and then right click and paste
- Your copied workflow will appear as a folder
- Open the XOML file of your workflow by double clicking it
- The workflow wizzard will appear. Now click „back“ and you will notice that the workflow is no longer connected to any list
- Chose a list to connect the workflow to and save the workflow
- Now rename your workflow by right clicking and rename
- Last thing to do, is to do the copy and paste trick backwards to your original site
- Connect the workflow to your desired list and save
- Check all the field references and lookups and save
- Now you are done and have a copy of the workflow without re-thinking and re-clicking